
दंष्ट्राकरालानि च ते मुखानि
: दृष्ट्वैव कालानलसन्निभानि ।
दिशो न जाने न लभे च शर्म
: प्रसीद देवेश जगन्निवास ॥११- २५॥


daMShTraakaraalaani cha te mukhaani

: dRRiShTwaiwa kaalaanalasannibhaani ।

disho na jaane na labhe cha sharma

: prasiida dewesha jaganniwaasa ॥११- २५॥


And your mouths, having terrible tusks!
Having but seen them resembling apocalyptic fire,
I lose direction, derive no comfort.
Have pity, lord of gods, refuge of the world.


Seeing Your mouths, with fearful teeth, glowing like fires of cosmic dissolution, I lose my sense of direction and find no comfort. Have mercy on me! O Lord of gods, refuge of the universe.


O Lord of lords, O refuge of the worlds, please be gracious to me. I cannot keep my balance seeing thus Your blazing deathlike faces and awful teeth. In all directions I am bewildered.