
ज्ञानविज्ञानतृप्तात्मा कूटस्थो विजितेन्द्रियः ।
युक्त इत्युच्यते योगी समलोष्टाश्मकाञ्चनः ॥६- ८॥

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dnyaanawidnyaanatRRiptaatmaa kooTastho wijitendriyaH ।

yukta ityuchyate yogii samaloShTaashmakaaJNchanaH ॥६- ८॥


Content with abstract and concrete knowledge, the soul established in reality, having controlled the senses,

Integrated, is called "yogi," to whom are the same a clod, stone, gold.


A yogi is called Self-realized who is satisfied with knowledge and understanding of the Self, who is equanimous, who has control over the (mind and) senses, and to whom a clod, a stone, and gold are the same.


A person is said to be established in self-realization and is called a yogi [or mystic] when he is fully satisfied by virtue of acquired knowledge and realization. Such a person is situated in transcendence and is self-controlled. He sees everything--whether it be pebbles, stones or gold--as the same.