
अश्रद्धया हुतं दत्तं तपस्तप्तं कृतं च यत् ।
असदित्युच्यते पार्थ न च तत्प्रेत्य नो इह ॥१७- २८॥


ashraddhayaa hutaM dattaM tapastaptaM kRRitaM cha yat ।

asadityuchyate paartha na cha tatpretya no iha ॥१७- २८॥


Sacrifice, charity, severe austerity, and other acts done faithlessly
Are called "asat," O Partha, and are nothing after death nor here.


Whatever is done without faith; whether it is sacrifice, charity, austerity, or any other act; is called Asat. It has no value here or hereafter, O Arjuna.


But sacrifices, austerities and charities performed without faith in the Supreme are nonpermanent, O son of Prtha, regardless of whatever rites are performed. They are called asat and are useless both in this life and the next.